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Voters Education

How to Vote Wisely?

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What is Voting?

According to Collins English Dictionary, “Voting is the action or process of indicating choice, opinion, or will on a question, such as the choosing of a candidate, by or as if by some recognized means, such as a ballot.”  

Why Voting is Important?

As an individual in a democratic country, it is our duty, rather, it is our right to vote. When an individual comes into his/her legal age, he/she must participate in voting. One vote can lead to the betterment of the country. Therefore, you must think carefully about who you will vote for.

Here are just a few reasons why you should get registered and vote:

  1. Elections have consequences. You can choose the standard of living you desire for yourself and future generations. Voting allows you to speak for topics that are relevant to you, such as public transportation, raising the minimum wage, and funding local schools. Take the time to help decide what's best for your life.

  2. Not voting is giving up your voice. People who vote determine the outcome of elections. Take some time to learn about the candidates and the measures. If you do not vote, the choice will be made for you. Your vote gives you power.

  3. It’s your money. You pay taxes, but are you aware of how that money is spent? The majority of folks do not. Voting gives you the opportunity to direct how your tax funds are spent, such as on health-care and social-services financing.

  4. Voting is an opportunity for change. Do you want to make a difference? Voting provides you the opportunity to do so! Support candidates and ballot initiatives that will benefit your community, state, and even the country as a whole. Make your vote count in the upcoming elections.

  5. The community depends on you! Our communities are made up of friends, loved ones, neighbors, and children. Some people may be unaware of the importance of voting, while others may not have the opportunity to do so. Decide to vote for yourself and those you care about.

How Youngsters/Minors Voice Can Be Heard?

According to the National Geographic Society (2020) that even if you are under the age of 18, you can vote in the election. You may not be allowed to enter a voting booth, but there are other ways to participate:

Be Informed!
         Read/Watch about political issues and also news about your surroundings to know where you stand.


Communicate with People

         Even if you are unable to vote, you can express yourself on social media, in your school or community newspaper, or in other public forums. You never know who is listening to you. Just make sure that you’ll observe proper etiquette in withstanding your opinion. 

Factors Need to Consider When Voting


Voters should prioritize a candidate's platform over personality and popularity. Their political platforms should address current societal issues, such as challenges with the judicial process, poverty, access to education, equal rights, domestic violence, and so on.

​How will we be able to identify these elements? The solution is to educate ourselves. Let us spend some time learning about the candidates, their history, and their platforms. If they've previously had a government post, do some study and speak with the individuals they've served. Reading the news is also beneficial, but be aware of false and deceptive announcements; use the internet and social media sensibly. We need to be cautious about who we elect to the job.

Only those with a passion to serve the people, not those with money or power, should receive our votes. Vote for those who have a good track record and strong platforms—those who you believe will make a difference in our rigged system.


Our country deserves better than weak leaders and temporary remedies. Different countries have colonized us, and we were previously ruled by a ruthless dictator. We struggle for freedom and democracy on a daily basis. Those sacrifices were not made in vain. Let us keep an eye on those candidates who want to see our country succeed.

Our country's fate is in our hands. It is both our right and our responsibility to select the appropriate leaders. However, if we want to make progress, we can't rely just on our leaders. Discipline and togetherness should also be a top concern for us. Let us make it a practice to recognize our differences as well as our similarities, and work together with the government. Only then will we be able to make the improvements we have been aiming for.


Don't let your vote goes to waste. As a human being, we have this freedom and dignity. We must never exchange our dignity for ransom/money. Don't let corrupt politic leaders bought your vote. We have the ability to do so. Let us make appropriate use of it for the greater good. Say No to Vote Buying! Wake up people! It's time to correct our mistakes. Watch these videos for Voters' Education: and


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